

Federal and state statutes establish 令人满意的学业进展 (SAP) requirements, which must be uniformly applied to all federal or state financial aid program applicants. 德州最南学院 applies the standards mandated by the Program Integrity Rules, 七月一日过, 2011, which are applied at the conclusion of each payment period to include the fall, 春天, 夏季学期. 金融援助 SAP is based on the following quantitative measures:

  • 平均绩点: 定性的衡量标准要求本科学生努力获得证书或副学士学位,以保持最低累积平均绩点(GPA)为2.000. This includes grades earned for developmental, 双录取, 和/或转学课程.
  • 完成比例: 定量衡量要求本科生保持67%的累计完成率的尝试课程(包括发展, 双录取, 及/或TSC接受的转学时间). 该百分比由完成的小时数除以尝试的总小时数确定. Attempted hours are the total number of hours completed plus hours of W, I, 和F(以及重复的课程).
  • 完成学术课程的时间表: This measure limits the number of credit hours attempted to pursue an undergraduate certificate or a degree. The maximum attempted hours are 150% of the credits required to complete the student’s program of study. For the purposes of obtaining an associate’s degree at TSC requiring 60 credit hours, 最多通常是90个学时, 包括发展, 双录取, 和/或转学课程. 考虑学位计划变更或学术重新开始的学生应考虑在最大允许限制下完成新计划的能力. A student is ineligible at the evaluation point where indicated will exceed the max time frame, 而不是当他们真正达到最大时间范围的时候.

Compliance with SAP must be met in order for a student to retain their financial aid eligibility. Students are advised to check their status through their TSC Online account.

令人满意的学业进步包括学生在TSC太阳城赌场app下载提供的任何学分注册期间在官方记录日期(根据公布的学术日历)注册的所有学分, 包括小型课程和夏季学期, 所有接受的转学分, 以及学生在没有经济资助和双录取期间所修的课程. Earned hours are those credits for which a student receives a passing grade, according to grade standards published in the undergraduate catalog.

Courses with grades of A, B, C, D, P, S, and CR are considered as attempted and earned credit hours. 成绩为F的课程, G, U, W, WC, WF, WM, WP, WS, NR, DF, DP, 和DR被认为是尝试的学分,但不是获得的. Incomplete courses (with a grade of I) are considered attempted hours until a final grade is posted. Students must request a re-evaluation after successfully completing an incomplete course. Repeated course hours (designated as R) are included as attempted hours but excluded from earned hours, 无论课程成绩如何. Withdrawn courses are considered attempted credits but are excluded from earned credits, 不管退出的原因是什么.  如果一个学生被授予学术上的新开始, 这些时间被计算在财务援助SAP的用途中.


Students receiving financial aid must declare a major in an eligible certificate or degree program. Students should only register for courses approved for their designated degree plan/catalog year.  Change of majors must be initiated with an Enrollment/Student Success Coach. 适用于学生学位计划的转学分将计算在已修学分和已修学分中.


在付款期结束时未达到SAP标准的学生将被通知他们将进入一个新的学年 助学金警告 下个学期太阳城赌场通过电子邮件提交.

处于经济援助警告状态的学生,如果下学期未能达到SAP标准,将没有资格获得经济援助,并将被安置在 暂停资助. These students have the option to complete and submit a financial aid appeal. Should the financial aid appeals committee approve the financial aid SAP appeal, 这个学生将被安排参加 经济援助试用期. 下面的信息更详细地描述了每种状态.


如果学生满足上述三个进步标准,则被认为在经济援助方面表现良好. These students may participate in any financial aid programs provided they meet all other eligibility criteria, 视资金情况而定.


Students who fail to meet the grade point average requirement, 完成率要求, 或者尝试85%或更多的1.学位课程所需最低学分数的5倍将在下一学期被置于经济援助警告状态. A student cannot have two consecutive warning periods back-to-back. Students will be notified of their warning status via their TSC email.

超过规定时限的学生将不会被给予警告学期,但将立即被安排到其他学校 暂停资助. Students in this status are not eligible to receive financial aid, 然而, 他们可以提交经济援助上诉, 学术计划, and personal statement to the 金融援助 appeals committee for consideration.


处于经济援助警告状态的学生,如果下学期未能满足SAP要求,将没有资格获得经济援助,并将被安置在 暂停资助. 这些学生将太阳城赌场通过TSC的电子邮件收到经济援助暂停通知,并可以自费继续注册. 此时,学生可以对停学状态提出上诉.


金融援助 probation is a status assigned to students who submitted an appeal and have been approved. Students will remain on probation status for subsequent semesters as long as the requirements of the 学术计划 are met, and they are considered eligible for federal student aid. If a student fails to meet the requirements of the 学术计划, the student is not making SAP and is not eligible for Title IV funds.
希望修改已批准的学术计划的学生可以太阳城赌场通过提交新的财政援助上诉表格,由财政援助上诉委员会审查来要求修改. 这个请求必须包括解释发生了什么,使必要的改变,以及学生将如何在未来取得令人满意的学术进步.


学生可以对其经济援助暂停状态提出上诉. 上诉应包括一份个人陈述, 有适当的文档, 详细说明导致他们未能达到所要求的标准的情有可原的情况,以及学生将采取的行动,以实现和保持令人满意的学术进步. 除了, 学生必须提交已申报的学位计划, 由注册/学生成功教练签署, 清楚地显示所修课程, 仍需开设课程, 以及预期的毕业日期. Appeal forms, complete with instructions, are available in the 金融援助 Office and online. Completed appeal packets must be submitted to the TSC 金融援助 Office. 不完整的上诉将被拒绝.

如果上诉被批准,该学生将被列入 经济援助缓刑; and eligibility will be reinstated subject to program requirements. 学期结束时将对学习进度进行审查,以确保学生符合学业计划并遵循他们所宣布的学位计划. Failure in either of these criteria will again result in financial aid suspension. Students will be notified via email regarding the outcome of their appeal.
希望修改已批准的学术计划的学生可以太阳城赌场通过提交新的财政援助上诉表格,由财政援助上诉委员会审查来要求修改. 这个请求必须包括解释发生了什么,使必要的改变,以及学生将如何在未来取得令人满意的学术进步.
The 金融援助 SAP Committee will consider appeals based on the following reasons:

  • Personal illness or serious injury supported by hospital records, 保险利益解释, 以及医生出诊的收据, 等.
  • Serious illness or injury of an immediate family member supported by hospital records, 保险利益解释, 以及医生出诊的收据, 等.
  • Other extenuating circumstances with supporting documentation.


根据条例(34 CFR 668).34 (c) (3) (3) (B), 学术计划的设计必须确保学生能够在特定的时间点满足TSC的财务援助SAP政策标准.  学术计划概述了以下要求:

  • 学生的学期平均成绩必须达到 2.0 during each enrolled session/semester until they regain good standing based on the 金融援助 SAP standards.
  • 学生必须完成所有注册课程的100%,直到学生根据财务援助SAP标准恢复良好的地位.
  • Students must remain on schedule to complete the current program of study within 150% 毕业所需的最少学时数.
  • 学生必须只注册当前学习计划的课程或发展或预备课程.
  • If a student does not meet the conditions of the appeal and 学术计划, the student will be placed back in suspension until good standing is regained.
  • The student must make payment arrangements if the appeal is not submitted by the priority deadline.
  • Additional requirements may be added to the 学术计划 on a case-by-case basis, as necessary.



  • 最低累积平均绩点(GPA)为2.000
  • 最低完成率67%
  • 在毕业要求的最大学时数的150%内按时完成当前的学习计划

因完成率或GPA而被休学的学生,在完成一个学期后可以考虑重新上诉, preferably two at their own expense at 德州最南学院 or another school, 并能证明他们在学业上取得成功的能力. 学生不会自动重新获得此选项的资格,但会根据他们展示进步的能力考虑重新上诉.


财政援助上诉委员会将建立并公布每学期提交上诉的优先截止日期. 如果在优先截止日期之后提交上诉,学生有责任与出纳办公室安排付款.  本学期最迟接受或完成的申诉将是本学期退课的最后一天(见校历)。.

The 金融援助 Appeal Form and 学术计划 form are available here: